Go therefore and make disciples of all nations
Matthew 28:19
The word "mission" comes from the Latin word, "missio" which means: "sent". In a very real sense, every believer is a missionary. Yet, we realize that God is at work in places besides our local ministry and worship services. We have been blessed to share our resources in a number of various ways. These include but are not limited to : Supporting orphans and underprivileged children in the Dominican Republic; helping to support the ministry of Dr. Rich Frazer of SOS International who trains indigenous leaders throughout the world; Raising funds and offering support for adoptions; Fellowship of Christian Athletes; Support of our local Crisis Pregnancy Center; and, Providing Chaplaincy services for first responders in Durango.

SOS Ministries / Rich Frazier
SOS International exists to accelerate world evangelization, develop disciples
of Jesus Christ and alleviate human suffering. SOS International invites
seasoned, experienced teachers, pastors and professors to equip, resource and
encourage indigenous leaders in areas they request. These leaders, in turn,
train the next generation of ministry leaders in their spheres of influence.
of Jesus Christ and alleviate human suffering. SOS International invites
seasoned, experienced teachers, pastors and professors to equip, resource and
encourage indigenous leaders in areas they request. These leaders, in turn,
train the next generation of ministry leaders in their spheres of influence.
Fellowship Of Christian Athletes
FCA focuses on serving local communities around the globe by engaging,
equipping and empowering coaches and athletes to unite, inspire and change
the world through the gospel.Fellowship Of Christian Athletes (F.C.A.) has chapters in Durango, Bayfield, and Ignacio.
equipping and empowering coaches and athletes to unite, inspire and change
the world through the gospel.Fellowship Of Christian Athletes (F.C.A.) has chapters in Durango, Bayfield, and Ignacio.
T.E.A.R.S. (True Evangelism Always Requires Sacrifice)
Durango Pregnancy Center
TEARS was founded by Rod and Twila Davis and is a faith-based not for profit
based in La Vega, Dominican Republic. TEARS provides free elementary and
high school education to children who would not otherwise have the educational
opportunity, operates a water treatment plant, a Health and Wellness Center,
Aquaponics Fish Farming, business training and grants, support services for
parents, a soccer mentorship program, plants churches, and operates other
support programs for the community.
based in La Vega, Dominican Republic. TEARS provides free elementary and
high school education to children who would not otherwise have the educational
opportunity, operates a water treatment plant, a Health and Wellness Center,
Aquaponics Fish Farming, business training and grants, support services for
parents, a soccer mentorship program, plants churches, and operates other
support programs for the community.
Durango Pregnancy Center provides a variety of services absolutely free of
charge to women facing unplanned pregnancies in the Four Corners. This program
provides: Pregnancy Tests; Prenatal and Parenting Education; Material and
Emergency Assistance; STI Testing; Peer Counseling and Support Post-
Pregnancy Termination Support.
charge to women facing unplanned pregnancies in the Four Corners. This program
provides: Pregnancy Tests; Prenatal and Parenting Education; Material and
Emergency Assistance; STI Testing; Peer Counseling and Support Post-
Pregnancy Termination Support.
Missions Trips & Adoptions
Pastor C.J. Alderton serves as the Chaplain
for Durango Fire & Rescue
for Durango Fire & Rescue
Patrick Crossing helps with fundraising
for mission trips and adoptions.
for mission trips and adoptions.
Join the mission
Serve the Kingdom by donating to Patrick Crossing and it's commitment to various ministries.
We are dedicated to serving other ministries