Welcome to Patrick Crossing Church
Our story is simple. We have chosen to be followers of Jesus and model our journey based upon the life of Jesus Christ and the example of St. Patrick of Ireland. Patrick's love of music, people, creativity, storytelling, and simplicity echoed clearly the life and teachings of Jesus of Nazareth. Inflexible structures can often obscure the person and work of Jesus and cause division. We remain intentionally uncomplicated in how we live out our faith in order to demonstrate that Christianity - at its very essence - is about a relationship. Jesus’ simple invitation to “Come follow me,” forms the heart of our passion and approach. Following Him in our daily lives fills us with purpose, love, joy, hope, provision and peace. You are welcome to join us in the journey.
-Rath de ort! The grace of God be with you!
-Rath de ort! The grace of God be with you!

Livestream This Week
Current Series
Do You Want To Be Made Well?
We each hit plateaus in life. Each plateau is meant to be temporary. It's not a destination. As I reflect upon my years of ministry, I've come to believe that many, if not a majority of people - including those of us who profess faith - are stranded on a plateau. The Christian faith, in its simplest construction, is that we become Christ-like - that anyone who observes our life will find a distinct echo of Jesus. Among other things, that means that we'll shed, day by day, the burdens of anxiety, depression, pettiness, insecurity, addictions, gossip, unforgiveness, bitterness, pride, fear and a host of other anti-virtues. Because many of these are so deeply engrained, so natural to us, we find ourselves both unwilling and unable to break through to a better place. These toxic character traits serve neither the good of us nor heaven - let alone the sad mass of humanity with whom we share the planet. It's a big task ahead, but make no mistake - my goal is to chase down joy and to see it spread throughout each member of our fellowship and then to our neighbors. The only thing I ask is that you bring to this new series a humble heart that's willing to change. Great stuff just ahead!
Patrick Crossing Name
The name we bear in our ministry, “Patrick Crossing”, is a marker for how we've chosen to live out our faith. It is our desire to not hide behind the walls of a church building, but to heed the example of Jesus and St. Patrick by crossing over into culture and living out our faith among people. We celebrate heaven, life, family, music, food & friendships – all the things Jesus enjoyed while on the earth and effortlessly weaved into His ministry. Our desire is to reintroduce Jesus as the loving, wise, and transformative Savior that He is.

Be A Part Of Our Story
Patrick Crossing Church is a place where people can meet Jesus, engage in life-giving community where everyone is welcome. We believe in creating a space where people can have authentic encounters with Jesus Christ, discover their gifts and use them for God's glory.
We meet on Sundays at 10:30 a.m. We also offer Live Stream which is accessible through the app and this website. You can join us live as we stream, or choose to login and watch at a later time. You can also listen to previous sermon series.
We do take a week off now and then so make sure to check with us. We encourage you to subscribe to our church email for updates.
Contact us for information on how to join our in-person Sunday services.
We meet on Sundays at 10:30 a.m. We also offer Live Stream which is accessible through the app and this website. You can join us live as we stream, or choose to login and watch at a later time. You can also listen to previous sermon series.
We do take a week off now and then so make sure to check with us. We encourage you to subscribe to our church email for updates.
Contact us for information on how to join our in-person Sunday services.