More Than Meets The Eye      

Idiomatic expressions sometimes convey deep truths. One such is that a certain person is: “…more than meets the eye.” That particular one can work both ways. I’ve known people over the years who were rather plain in appearance, sometimes even a bit disheveled, who housed beneath their humble exterior some brilliant gifts and beautiful minds. I’ve also known fabulously wealthy people who shopped at Goodwill and considered it a feast to dine on the Grand Slam Special at Denny’s. On the flip side, I’ve known a number of very attractive people who were well dressed and accessorized and greatly admired for their outward appearance. Some of them couldn’t string together a cogent sentence. “English IS your native tongue, right?”, I’ve thought to myself on more than one occasion. Hollywood is filled with such gentle-breezed craniums. But we’re all guilty of making these shallow, outward judgments. Until we’ve fully matured we’re easily cowed by the gorgeous and quietly dismissive of the modest. None of us are fully matured.

Queen Esther was the whole package. In our brief time in this book we’ve met up with a woman whose beauty was unmatched. Hers was a Cinderella story. She was plucked from poverty to become the queen of a mighty kingdom. Yet, she was much more than a trophy wife for the king. As we’ll discover, Esther was the living illustration behind the idiom, “…more than meets the eye.”

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The three days of fasting had ended. It was show time: On the third day Esther put on her royal robes and stood in the inner court of the palace, in front of the king’s hall. The king was sitting on his royal throne in the hall, facing the entrance. ~Esther 5:1 

There was no going back. Esther was fully decked out for a win or a wake. This was the moment. It was up to the king. Would his brow furrow or soften? It softened: When he saw Queen Esther standing in the court, he was pleased with her and held out to her the gold scepter that was in his hand. So Esther approached and touched the tip of the scepter. ~Esther 5:2