I Love A Parade

P.J. O’Rourke once said, “Money doesn’t buy happiness, it rents it.” It’s true. Money has no intrinsic value. Ask a child who has swallowed a nickel. While the Bible tells us that the love of money is the root of all kinds of evil, I think it indicates something more than a love affair with those grim-faced lads who adorn the paper that temporarily makes its home in our wallets. It’s the power of money we’re all after. Money gives us the illusion of safety, independence or more ominous – control. It is easy to be intimidated, covetous and cowed by people with a lot of money. Their opinion seems to count for more than the low-skilled or homeless. I am not saying that’s so. I’m just saying that’s how it plays out.

Haman was a very wealthy man. But his wealth did not, as we’ve already mentioned, buy him happiness. It did, for a time, rent him some influence. He had made it all the way to the top – within a heartbeat of being the most powerful man in all of Persia. But it was a rental agreement and the terms of that influence dissolved like bad cosmetics in a rain storm. He was now following the orders of the king to arrange for Mordecai – Haman’s arch enemy – a noisy and garish parade. His money couldn’t buy his way out of his troubles. The deceit of money had brought it all about. Let’s look in on the parade: So Haman got the robe and the horse. He robed Mordecai, and led him on horseback through the city streets, proclaiming before him, “This is what is done for the man the king delights to honor!” ~Esther 6: 11

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We can guess the visage of Haman. The false man was now carrying out the acting assignment of a lifetime as he proclaimed – what for him – were lies. Trying to act sincere paints an ugly, frozen and pained expression on the face. It is difficult to hide disgust or impending doom. However, we have no indication of Mordecai’s countenance. Was he surprised? Maybe. Was he beaming? Not likely. I would guess more along the lines of a quiet confidence with a dash of curiosity. What was God up to? What was he going to do next? If the good Lord had brought him this far then surely he was going to complete his sovereign plan. If you recall, the whole atmosphere of change had been wrought by a call of the Jewish people to fast and pray for deliverance. Their prayers had been answered but there was more to come.

The more to come was foreshadowed as the parade passed by the unusually tall impalement pole. Mordecai noted it with some interest. Haman couldn’t look at it but it was all he could think about