Heirs, Part 2

One of the lower moments of humanity that I’ve experienced has been the planning of funerals with the bereaved. It’s not so much the object du jour of the planning session. Death happens and we memorialize the transition of a loved one the best we can. No, the low point has to do with the bickering and snubs and hurt feelings that ensue when it’s discovered who has got their cut, or lack thereof, in the Last Will & Testament of Granny. I’ve seen siblings refuse to speak to one another for years (forever?) over an antique dresser that once adorned granny’s bedroom. These funeral scrums are common as I witness the odd admixture of grief and fury. And when I’ve waded in to tell people to knock it off and behave that hasn’t always gone well. I’ve been metaphorically “struck on the cheek” in the words of Jesus for my helpful intervention. I only have two cheeks. After the family strikes the second one, it’s on baby. Oh, it’s on.

So back to the passage we had a look at yesterday and this phrase: God has made you his heirs. ~Galatians 4:7. We’ve met the church at Galatia in prior writings. This was the confused bunch that was adept at practicing spiritual perfidy. Those who followed the old law were being held up as  super Christians as they followed a strict Jewish diet and eagerly lined up for circumcision. (I have troubling images of those lads showing off their scars as evidence of their loftier status). Paul, reaching back to the story of Moses, reminded them that they had been redeemed from such slavery. They were now heirs. They needed to act like it.
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The nice thing about being an heir of God is that his kingdom riches are inexhaustible. There is nothing to fight over. His love is egalitarian. Paul once said: “Things which eye has not seen and ear has not heard, And which have not entered the heart of man to even consider – All that God has prepared for those who love Him.” `I Corinthians 2:9 It’s going to be great! We all get a dresser from granny.