Two Don’ts and One Do

The high expectations of heaven for the Christian are also those of earth. As we mentioned a couple of days ago, unbelievers have a few Scriptural arrows stored in their quivers to pierce the hides of Christians who blithely ignore Christ’s teaching. They know that Christ’s followers are supposed to love and bless their enemies. When we fail in that practice, they nock their arrows and let them fly. And, quite frankly, we deserve the stab of being called out. It is a high moniker we’ve assumed of taking on the name Christian – i.e. Christ-like. Being a greedy, grumpy, cursing, resentful and merciless Christian checks the box of phony with a big bold, X. It would seem to be more than enough that Jesus asks us to bless our enemies, but he is just getting warmed up: “Do not judge, and you will not be judged. Do not condemn, and you will not be condemned. Forgive, and you will be forgiven.” ~Luke 6:37

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These are high mountains. For the record, I am relatively certain I fail one or more of these daily. Sometimes it is merely reactive in the heat of the moment. I suppose that is somewhat less offensive to heaven than my carefully reasoned judgments, condemnations and unforgiveness. But either way – accidental or deliberate – failure is failure. These commands are not difficult for our minds to grasp; however, reason will only take us to the front step. We must pound on the door of heaven and plead for supernatural assistance. In mercy he brings us to helplessness that we might seek help.