I would like to share some greater meaning in regard to my recent travels to the Midwest. However, vision quests and sacred places of sudden enlightenment are these days usually associated with exotic locations that feature mountains, tropical forests, waterfalls, lonely beaches and a new age sage with a book to hawk. It is difficult to find a mountain in the Midwest; however, it is not for want of presumption. Sprinkled about Illinois are such mountain-monikered cities as: Mt. Zion; Mt. Prospect; Mt. Erie; Mt. Clare; and so forth.  Seven in all. When it’s open plains as far as one can see, you have to make do with imaginary mountains. But its odd nonetheless and not at all reciprocal. You don’t find a Soybean, Colorado on our maps. We do have a Broomfield, a Brush, and a Falfa (Short for alfalfa I suppose) but they make sense in respect to their local geography and botanic produce. However, just south of our border, New Mexico seems to be all in with the atypical naming. Farmington has very little by way of actual farming. Bloomfield is a city surrounded by a dull, mostly non-blooming desert. And Cuba? I don’t believe it to be a Castro affiliate. It’s a puzzler.

All that notwithstanding, I believe in the God who travels about with us. He has done some of His best work in deserts. And wherever I travel, it is the people that matter the most – not the venue. I’ve been in some tough neighborhoods throughout my many years of ministry. And the thing that has surprised me is that I’ve found beauty, meaning and purpose in the midst of abject poverty and grim surroundings. Conversely, I have found smallness of spirit, bitterness and a cavalier aimlessness amongst the most wealthy in areas of resplendent beauty. Not always, but certainly often.

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I mentioned earlier that I’ve never been a wealthy man, but that’s true only in respect to coin. When I got home my little grandson jumped on my lap, held my cheeks after his fashion, looked me in the eyes and said, “I missed you so much.” Then, his wee sister, who is at the age of repeating everything her older brother says, wormed in with: “Miss you…”
