
Some of the religious gatekeepers had shadowed the healed man. They listened in on the conversation between him and Jesus. And, they watched as he knelt and offered humble adoration to Jesus. After this impromptu worship service, Jesus spoke to the spiritual voyeurs: And Jesus said, “For judgment I came into this world, so that those who do not see may see, and that those who see may become blind.” ~John 9:39

They were not so blind that they missed the point of this ostensibly offhand remark: Those of the Pharisees who were with Him heard these things and said to Him, “We are not blind too, are we?” ~John 9:40  Let’s give them credit for both showing up to this encounter and for asking the question. As the New Testament unfolds, a number of these religious leaders will come to faith in Jesus. I’m inclined to believe that many of those who heard this incisive reprimand were part of that future group. They remained curious  – one of the primary precursors to faith. But to get to that, they had first to acknowledge their own blindness. To that end, Jesus spelled it out in unmistakable terms: Jesus said to them, “If you were blind, you would have no sin; but since you say, ‘We see,’ your sin remains.” ~John 9:41 In other words, If you were blind, you would know it, like this healed man before you… Jesus drains this living metaphor to the last drop.
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Jesus was razing the presumptuous – those whose worldviews and other-worldly legalistic views had hardened almost to the point beyond repair. Yet, the congealing consequences of legalism are not the sole province of the religious. I’ve had occasion to meet agnostic fundamentalists, old-school fundamentalists, liberal fundamentalists, anarchist fundamentalists, atheist fundamentalists, world peace fundamentalists, vegan fundamentalists, etc. Those who make no claim to faith can be just as rigid with their legalism and unbelief as were the Pharisees and their constrictive polemics. It matters not whether you have a warped view of God or no view of God – spiritual blindness is characterized by an attitude that says: “I am fine just the way I am.”  A more lethal form of that would say: “I am fine just the way I am and you’re not fine until you believe exactly as I do.”

The birth of faith begins at that moment when we realize we need help – help of an otherworldly kind. We don’t have all the answers. We don’t know everything. We sense that truth is larger than us, older than us. Maybe our ancestors were on to something. The fact that we cannot quite see this other, this help, but reach for it anyway is the process of washing our eyes of the spit and mud of unbelief.