Made From Scratch
The crowd wouldn’t give up the hope that the dinner miracle would continue unabated. They had good reason for this. It was part of their historical memory: So they asked him, “What sign then will you give that we may see it and believe you? What will you do? Our ancestors ate the manna in the wilderness; as it is written: ‘He gave them bread from heaven to eat. ~John 6:30,31  Crowds can be clever, especially crowds that didn’t have a Wal-Mart or 7-11 handy. We get excited when someone proudly declares: “I made these dinner rolls from scratch!”  Yay! It is a rarity, a novelty. We have supermarkets. We are used to eating syndicate bread from corporate headquarters. Back in Jesus’ day, everything was made from scratch. The most simple of meals was anything but. The prospect of free bread now consumed them. Was this Manna from Heaven, Part II? Life with a continuous stream of heavenly bread would free up a few hours. Perhaps there would be time to take up a hobby. They were offering Jesus a quid pro quo: Belief for bread.

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This will turn ugly as we move ahead in the story. But a word about bread. It is the “go to” symbol of sustenance throughout the Scriptures. Moses and the children of Israel received the daily bread from heaven during their curious desert wanderings. We are told to pray, not for our daily steak and potatoes (much less sushi) – but for  our daily bread. And, an element of that most sacred of meals which goes by the name of the Lord’s Table, Communion, or the Holy Eucharist features a morsel of bread.  Jesus will use this humble and universal symbol of nourishment to draw out the true motives of the crowd. In so doing, the numbers will thin considerably. They were not terribly enamored of metaphorical bread.