No! No! No!
I once heard a very motivating pastor from India speak at a conference. He had endured beatings at the hands of radicals in that country who didn’t like the cut of his jib nor the content of his message. America was a bit of shock to his system. Just going to the grocery store left him flummoxed at both the volume and variety of choices adorning the shelves. What really set him back was the conspicuous consumption on display by the American church. He knew very well the impact just a few dollars could make when it was stewarded well in his country. Here he would witness massive architectural wonders being alternately heated or cooled throughout the week – depending on the season – for a building that was mostly used just one day a week. The utility bill for one month from this one church where he was speaking would fund over 40 pastors for several weeks.

His message was humble and blunt. He had faced evil of the variety we have been looking at the past couple of days. Real devils. Real possessions. Real power encounters. The Bible makes a lot more sense when set in the framework of less developed countries. Our western devils are mere caricatures, Hollywood inventions – worthy to be mocked by serious minds. Theirs are real. We listened politely as the air conditioner hushed out its reassuring, white-noise background. I felt unworthy then. I feel the same today. This guy carried the smoke of battle. I was a poser. canada viagra cheap This situation in most of the cases it leads to a broken relationship. You don’t want your gadget be permanently damaged, do you? A little rain and a little honey with it. cialis cost canada You’ll save 30-40% tadalafil overnight delivery off the retail price. The procedure of placing an order is very simple and enjoyable act which has turned out to such a complicated one due to this issue of erectile Dysfunction. sample cialis
What was interesting about his message was his personal, empirical take on demons and such. He was not dramatic. If anything, he bordered on the clinical. When it came up, he dealt with it. Just another day at the office. The biggest problem he faced wasn’t demons, but willful, stubborn human-beings. He shared this story from his American tour: “A woman came up to me after I spoke and asked for prayer. I gladly agreed to do so and inquired about her need. She said that she wanted me to cast out the demon of nicotine. I told her, ‘No! No! No! – That is not a demon. I cannot cast out your flesh! You smoke because you enjoy it!”’

Grand possessions of the kind described in the gospel of Mark are rare. While we should give the devil his due, when appropriate, it is essential to keep in mind that our greatest battle always lies within – a mirror glance away.