And yet…

Even though the extravagant prayer promise by Jesus has its discernible qualifiers, we are nonetheless encouraged to pray in wholesale fashion. When the Apostle Paul is bringing encouragement to the church at Thessalonica, he says this: Rejoice evermore. Pray without ceasing. In every thing give thanks: for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus concerning you. ~ I Thessalonians 5:16-18 In three diminutive verses Paul fashions for us a lifestyle for a lifetime. If you’ve ever questioned God’s will for your life or your purpose in life, it is answered here: worship all the time, pray all the time and be grateful all the time.

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So, there seems to be a bit of heavy-lifting required on our end. I don’t know why. But we’re asked to pray and not get discouraged in so doing. I can only guess that something necessary is happening inside of us. If we’ve grown tired of praying a certain prayer, perhaps heaven has waited us out for our own good. The wisdom of a “no” becomes evident with time and a “no” is certainly one type of answer to prayer. But more often, I believe, he is using our persistent prayer to craft and shape us as we pray – making us ready to receive both the blessing and the burden of a “yes.”